American Legal Care
One of the proudest – but also stressful – times in a parent’s life is when their teenager gets their driver’s license. While this is a huge milestone when it comes to your teen’s independence, no longer needing you to drive them around to all their activities, it can also be a little frightening knowing that they are now at risk of being injured in a crash. While everyone is at risk of being involved in an accident, teen drivers are especially at a higher risk of being involved in a fatal accident.
Getting Their License
In most states, teens get their learner’s permit, take driving lessons, practice driving, and then take their driving test. If they pass, the DMV gives them their license and off they go.
But the reality is that most teen drivers are inexperienced. That inexperience – and their age – can make them oblivious to the actual dangers that are on the road. These can all be factors when there is a crash involving a teen driver.
Some of the most common factors include:
- Distractions – Teens can be easily distracted by things going on around them. They also can become too focused on their phones, social media, taking selfies, and talking with other people in the vehicle with them.
- Lack of skill – A teen driver’s lack of experience means they usually have a lack of skill. A vehicle in front of them suddenly stops, a major pothole in the road, and a sharp curve in the road are all situations that a more experienced driver can better navigate.
- Lack of judgment – Many teens have not developed enough maturity and have a lack of judgment that can result in them engaging in dangerous driving behaviors. One of the most common is speeding or racing with people in other vehicles. This is also one of the most deadly.
- Lack of ability to realize hazardous road conditions – Since a teen driver has not had a lot of experience behind the wheel, they often do not realize how dangerous conditions such as bad weather, road construction, or heavy traffic can be.
Give Your Teen the Tools They Need
As parents, it is our job to make sure we give the tools our kids need to navigate through adulthood. This also includes making sure they have all the knowledge they need to operate a vehicle safely. Having regular discussions with your teen about the dangers of engaging in dangerous driving behaviors can help ensure they are ready each time they get behind the wheel.
Some of the topics you should discuss with your teen include:
- The dangers of using alcohol and drugs and driving
- Driving too fast for road conditions
- Speeding
- Tailgating
- Failure to yield
- Failure to stop at traffic lights and stop signs
- Ignoring other signs, signals, and traffic laws
Legal Help Is Available
If you have been injured in an accident, is in your best interest to speak with an experienced car accident lawyer to find out what legal options you may have against the party responsible for your injuries. Your lawyer will provide the professional legal guidance you need to ensure you get the maximum financial compensation you are entitled to in an insurance settlement or jury award.Thank you to our friends at Council & Associates, LLC for the information about premises liability claims.